Our Mission: To live as a loving family of faith in the Kingdom of God. Our Vision: We are the Body of Christ serving God and each other.

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Nursery Through 5th Grade

Nursery - Unfortunately our Nursery is closed at this time.  Please refer back to this page or our bulletin for updated information.  


Primary Grades (Pre-K – 5th Grade)


Our small class sizes allow the teachers to interact with the children to help develop their faith. Classes have a minimum of two teachers who plan weekly lessons and activities based upon the appropriate curriculum for the grade level. Sunday Morning classes meet from 9:00 - 10:15 am in the lower church. The hallways buzz with the sounds of children as they become involved in making the faith their own.




Sacramental Preparation Classes

These special classes are offered for students who will be receiving First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist.   Students will meet several times in addition to regular class time to prepare for these very special milestones in their lives. For more information contact the Elementary Coordinator. 

RCIA for children classes are scheduled as needed to prepare students who might have missed age/grade appropriate sacraments.