Our Mission: To live as a loving family of faith in the Kingdom of God. Our Vision: We are the Body of Christ serving God and each other.

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Middle School




What is Edge?

Edge is a fun night for Middle School students to regularly meet together to strengthen their knowledge of Catholic Church teaching and to deepen their personal faith in Christ.

Many opportunities occur on Edge Nights to worship the Lord through music, small group discussions, prayer, Scripture, and service projects. Friendships will develop into a great Edge community where the kids can feel at home in the Church and live out their faith in an open, fun, and relevant way. 

Edge Night Topics

Each semester covers a new topic from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and by the time a sixth grade student reaches the end of eighth grade, they will have covered all the basics of the Catholic faith. These teachings are presented in a unique way that speaks to Middle School students and helps them to put their faith into action in the things they face in their daily lives.

Edge Schedule

Edge meets on Sundays from 11:45 am - 2:00 pm (NEW day and time for 2022-2023 school year).  Lunch is included. 

Parents of Edge students will receive a calendar indicating which days are off for a break. The calendar also shows activities such as off-campus service projects and family nights.


Get Involved!

The success of a dynamic program like Edge is dependent upon volunteers. Without adult Edge Core volunteers to work with our youth in small groups, the program could not exist. If you are interested in serving on the Edge Core Team, or assisting in some other way, please contact Parish Office.  We would love to have you serve on our wonderful team!