Our Mission: To live as a loving family of faith in the Kingdom of God. Our Vision: We are the Body of Christ serving God and each other.

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Knights of Columbus

Council #11458




We are Knights.  Men committed to acting on our faith and helping the world.  Men whose strong dedication to serving the Church is rooted in our Order’s humble beginnings.  When Father Michael J. McGivney invited a few parishioners to gather in the basement of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, his hope was to unite men in their faith and provide for Catholic families in times of need.  Guided by four core principles – charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism – other Catholic men soon followed suit and helped lay the foundation that has allowed the Order to flourish.

About our Council:

The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men and their families.  Our Council offers many worthwhile projects and activities for the parish and community.  The St. Gabriel Council of the Knights of Columbus is an active volunteer organization that raises awareness for needy causes and generates much needed funds to support a variety of charitable activities including the Pregnancy Crisis Center, St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, Horses & Warriors (Horses for Heroes), Joseph Sam's School for Special Needs Children, Christmas for Kids (Adopt a Family), SWAP (Seniors & Widows Assistance Program), Seminarian Support and the Special Olympics of Fayette County.  We raise funds through a variety of methods including our annual Rummage Sale with St. Vincent de Paul, Providing warehouse support at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, our Annual Raffle, Annual Golf Tournament, and the Fat Saturday Dinner Dance.


The Officers meet once a month, normally on the First Tuesday at 6:30pm. Our Council meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Both of these meetings are held in Beltran Hall. 

Officers for 2022-2023:

Reg DuDomaine, Grand Knight

Alan Paluska, Deputy Grand Knight

Father Richard Vu, Chaplain

Matt Bloemer, Chancellor

Bill Raville, Recorder

David Oatman, Treasurer

Mark Skibiel, Financial Secretary

Julius Gamble, Warden

Bob Osborne, Inside Guard

Julius Gamble, Outside Guard

Alan Pauluska , Advocate

Carl Peterson, Tom Cox, and Jim Brazeale, Trustees