Our Mission: To live as a loving family of faith in the Kingdom of God. Our Vision: We are the Body of Christ serving God and each other.

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Synod 2021 - 2023


Pope Francis has called upon the Church to rejuvenate her synodal roots. He has opened a two year synodal process which he hopes will reframe and renew our common journey forward. First and foremost, the synod is a call to pray, listen and discern together what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church today - all for the sake of the Church's evangelizing mission. 


Please click on these live links for more information: 

Archdiocese of Atlanta Synod page

Archbishop Hartmeyer's Georgia Bulletin article 

Vatican Synod page

USCCB Synod page 


The Fundamental Questions: 

A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, "journeys together."

How is this "journeying together" happening today in our parish/community? 

How is the Holy Spirit inviting our parish/community to grow in "journeying together?" 


Additional Questions to Reflect on:

1. What joys have you experienced in our parish? What difficulties and obstacles to journeying together have you encountered? 

2. How do you listen to the voice of God everyday?

3. What space(s) does our parish/community provide for listening and sharing among all the members as well as those not regularly connected to our community? 

4. What enables or hinders you from witnessing and speaking up courageously and responsibly in our parish and in society

5. How are all the members of our parish/community called and empowered to participate in the Church's mission to proclaim the Gospel? 

6. How do prayer and liturgical celebrations, especially Sunday Mass, inspire and guide our parish in our shared life and mission

7. How do we encourage the active participation of all the faithful in prayer, the liturgy and the sacraments? 

8. How does the Eucharist inspire your life and actions